The Joys and Challenges of Being a Mum of Kids with Disabilities - Maple Services
The Joys and Challenges of Being a Mum of Kids with Disabilities

The Joys and Challenges of Being a Mum of Kids with Disabilities

Mother’s Day is a special day to celebrate and appreciate the amazing mothers who have devoted their lives to nurturing their children. But for some mothers, every day is Mother’s Day. They are the mothers of children with disabilities who face unique joys and challenges in their parenting journey. In this blog post, we will hear from Elise, a mother of three children, two of whom have disabilities. She will share with us how she copes with the difficulties and celebrates the successes of being a mother of children with disabilities. She will also tell us how Maple helps her and her children with their daily routine and therapy.

Hi everyone, I’m Elise, and I’m the mom of three awesome kids. Two of them have disabilities, and one of them doesn’t. My oldest boy, Tyson, is seven, and he has Erb’s palsy, autism, and a global delay. He is non-verbal, but he has a lot of personality. My middle son, Noah, is four, and he has global delay, autism, and hypotonia. He talks a little bit, but he has a lot of character. My youngest boy, Julian, is six months old, and he doesn’t have a disability.

Being a mum of kids with disabilities is a lot of fun and a lot of work. I love my kids more than anything, and I have a blast with them every day. They amaze me with their skills and their quirks. They crack me up with their antics and their affection. There are also ups and downs that come with being a mother. Sometimes it’s difficult to figure out what my kids need, especially when they have meltdowns. Sometimes I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing or how to handle things. Sometimes I get judgemental looks and comments from people who don’t understand  kids with disabilities.

To deal with these challenges, I have a lot of help from my family, friends, support workers, and therapists. I access support workers through Maple. They help me with the kids’ daily routine and therapy. They also help my kids learn new skills and become more independent, and they remind me that I’m not alone.

One of the things that makes my life easier is having a structured routine for my family. It keeps me sane and organised, and it keeps my kids calm and happy. We’re also a very loud and fun-loving family. We like to play games, watch movies, listen to music, and have dance parties.

Being a mother of kids with disabilities is not a problem or a curse. It’s an opportunity and a blessing. It’s a chance to grow as a person and as a mother. It’s a way to see the beauty and diversity of human life. Sometimes other parents wonder how I do this. But this is my normal, and I love it.

I would end this on a positive note by telling the world to be very nice and helpful to moms of kids with special needs. They face a lot of challenges and need your support and understanding. A small gesture can make a big difference in their day. They want their kids to have a great and fulfilling life, no matter what their disabilities are.