Leading the Way – Maple’s Proactive Approach to Safe Incident Intervention (PASII) Training. - Maple Services
Leading the Way – Maple’s Proactive Approach to Safe Incident Intervention (PASII) Training.

Leading the Way – Maple’s Proactive Approach to Safe Incident Intervention (PASII) Training.

Incidents are a risk amongst all workplaces, especially in the health, and support services industries, which Maple Community Services operates. The 2019-2020 accident report by Safe Work Australia shows:

  • By occupation, 19% of incident claims were made by Community and Personal Service Workers, the second most claims made in Australia.
  • By industry, 18% of incident claims derived from the Health Care and Social Assistance sector, the highest number of claims made in Australia.

Further studies shown by an industry researcher, Ibisworld, predicts “the work accident rate to decline to 8.9 per 1,000 employees in 2022-23, representing a 4.3% decline. The work accident rate has been trending downwards over the long-term, contributing to a decline in the number of claims made.”

Prioritising the well-being and safety of our clients and employees, and contributing to the decline in workplace incidents, Maple Community Services saw the opportunity to instil further knowledge and provided greater upskilling opportunities to both our management team and support workers.

In an article by UK Insurance business, Surewise, it is mentioned that “Being a carer is a hands-on job … it’s important to recognise where these risks may present themselves in your day as a carer”. For the wellbeing and safeguarding of both worker and client, trainings on identifying preventative measures protect both parties.

Snapshots of the Defence Training segment of the training.

Maple held a Proactive Approach to Safe Incident Intervention training led by Sal Consulting in the Maple Head Office. Over the course of two days jam-packed with insightful sessions and hands-on practices, the team developed the skills and awareness to manage challenging and high-risk behaviours (including critical incidents) in a safe and informed way.

With our staff now PASII Certified, this means our team now has the knowledge to better understand the impact of behaviour, support needs, and preventative measures that can be taken to avoid unsafe situations. We do all this with the safety and well-being of our clients at the forefront of our minds, ensuring we provide safe support for all.

If your work place seeks to provide the proper tools and skills to prevent incidents, especially for employees who may engage in challenging and high-risk behaviours – we highly recommend seeking PASII Training.

Here’s what the team had to say about their experience from the training.

“It was a deep dive into identifying key characteristics of participants to ensure a proactive response in times of need. It has made me reflect on many of my participants and how I can support them more proactively.” -Maple CORE Team Leader.

“It was a well-structured training which was not just educational but very informative as well. I can see that this will assist everyone by broadening their knowledge and skills for the betterment of the Support Staff and the Participants.” -Maple Support Worker.

“The PASII training was very insightful. The content delivered was very practical and it allowed for us to shift perspectives on how to safely approach participants and it also emphasized the importance of self-care when you’re working with high complexity participants.” -Maple SIL Team Leader.