How to create an NDIS plan with Cerebral Palsy? - Maple Community Services

How to create an NDIS plan with Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral Palsy NDIS

Your questions on how to create an NDIS plan with Cerebral Palsy answered

If you or your loved one have recently been approved for NDIS support, our team at Maple are excited to welcome you on this journey towards greater independence. Although there are many possibilities that lie ahead for you, navigating the system can be daunting, especially if you’re new to the scheme.

Our highly skilled team is ready to guide you through the next steps, ensuring you have a clear understanding of what the scheme is capable of, and how to create an impactful plan to make the most of the funding available to you.

What is an NDIS planning meeting for cerebral palsy?

An NDIS planning meeting happens after you are approved for funding and helps you to determine what supports are available to you, what your short and long term goals are and how to go about obtaining support from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). You might want to include family members or carers to join you in the meeting so they can help you make the best decision.

Key aspects of the planning meeting include:

  • Assessing the specific needs and challenges of the participant, including discussing their physical, emotional, social and educational requirements.

  • Identifying short and long term measurable goals based on your personal experience. 

  • Discussing the types of support that will be reasonable and necessary. The participant along with family members or carers can discuss support they need.

  • An NDIS planner or Local Area Coordinator will help you to develop a tailored plan that reflects the discussion you had in the meeting and outlines the supports and services that will be funded for the participant by the NDIS.

  • Discussing the process for reviewing and updating the plan going forward. An NDIS plan is typically reviewed annually to ensure that your support remains appropriate and adjusts to any changes in the participants' circumstances and needs.

Your planning meeting is an opportunity for a participant and their families to ask any questions about managing the NDIS funding and accessing services, so be sure to make use of this time. In some cases, healthcare professionals or therapists who work with you may want to contribute to the planning meeting to provide insights into your specific needs.


How do I create an NDIS plan?

The creation of your NDIS plan typically happens around your planning meeting, and the preparation leading up to the meeting is equally important as the meeting itself. You will want to be confident about what you want to achieve in your planning meeting and have clear goals and expectations. This will help you to communicate clearly with the planner so they can advocate for what you need.


Before the meeting you should consider what your specific goals are, include your strengths and challenges so they can be considered at the meeting. You can collate any reports and assessments from health professionals, educators, and therapists to help outline a comprehensive understanding of your needs.


During the meeting, your planner or LAC will discuss you or your loved ones daily life, how your cerebral palsy diagnosis affects you, and what kind of support you currently receive from your support network. The aim of this conversation is to identify the types of support that would be most beneficial to you. 

Goals and supports

You will then set measurable goals to reflect what you want to achieve with your NDIS funding. Your goals can be adjusted at any time but will be completely unique to you. The LAC and NDIS planner will then help you to identify the supports that will help you achieve your goals.

Finalising the plan

Once your plan is finalised it will be reviewed and approved by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). Once your plan has been approved, you can start accessing the funded supports. 


Are you or a loved one eligible for NDIS funding?

What does a cerebral palsy NDIS plan look like?

When creating an NDIS plan you will want to create goals that are personal and unique to your needs. However, it can be helpful to gain insight from other NDIS plan examples for cerebral palsy and what others have set as their goals to see if these fit or can be adjusted to suit you. 

Some ideas that might spark some inspiration for your NDIS plan include:

  • Enhancing mobility through physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
  • Improving communication skills with speech therapists and augmentative communication devices.
  • Increasing independence in daily activities via personal care support and assistive technology.
  • Joining community groups or engaging in recreational activities.
  • Educational and vocational aspirations such as attending school or obtaining employment.

If you’d like assistance in crafting an impactful NDIS plan our team at Maple are committed to providing you with the guidance necessary to develop a plan that addresses your needs and aligns seamlessly with your goals.


How much funding can you get from NDIS?

The Maple Commitment

Here at Maple, we are committed to achieving your goals! Providing Support is the backbone of our purpose, we listen and act in realtime, and we empower our community through equal opportunities. It is our focus on building relationships with each and every one of our individuals, that sets us apart from the rest.

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