Developing new skills with Maple - Rodney smashing a Barista Course. - Maple Services
Developing new skills with Maple – Rodney smashing a Barista Course.

Developing new skills with Maple – Rodney smashing a Barista Course.

There are things on our to-do list that we set out to accomplish, but there are also things along the way that we didn’t expect – ones that turn out to be very enjoyable and rewarding!

Achieving goals is at the core of the NDIS, and Maple Community Services strives to do just that with all of our incredible clients.

Rodney was diagnosed with Autism and Epilepsy and currently resides with his family in Sydney. Apart from working at McDonald’s, Rod spends a lot of his time on various hobbies such as playing Xbox, socialising with his friends and family, and spending time at different cafés (make sure you reach out to him for recommendations!).

Rod with a carrot cake at a Cafe.

Although he currently lives with his family, Rod is determined to become more independent. He is currently in the works of living alone, by gaining and developing the skills necessary to make this a reality. One of Rod’s main support services from Maple is Skill Development – his support workers have been able to teach Rodney everyday skills such as yard work, cleaning and (most importantly) how to make a good cup of coffee! He’s even started helping with cooking every so often.

Rodney has shown great relationship skills by getting along well with Jessica, his main support worker. Jess has built a good rapport with Rod since beginning their time together, they now consistently meet every Wednesday for 3 hours. 

“The key to our strong relationship is that we have a lot in common such as wrestling and in fact every shift we play a couple games of WWE on the Xbox – at Rodney’s request of course.” – Jess, Support Worker.

Check out this snippet of Jess bonding with Rod by playing Xbox!

Jessica shared with Maple Management that Rodney was potentially interested in partaking in a Barista Course as he saw the potential for new skills and knowledge which would potentially set him up for a promotion at work (a goal he has set). And of course, to up his coffee game at home.

Thanks to the motivation he received from the support around him, Rodney was able to successfully complete a Barista Course at St Mary’s with Jessica by his side. “The course was absolutely fantastic. The team at Catch Training were very informative, helpful, and knowledgeable. It was so enjoyable to be a part of this, and to watch Rodney flourish in picking up this new skill.” Jessica said.

“He really enjoyed it, he is looking forward in completing a more advanced course.” Jeff, Rod’s father quoted.

What we here at Maple love about Rodney and the journey that he is on, is his ability to break down his bigger goal aspirations into small ‘stepping stone’ goals. This is such a unique and valuable skillset to have and has been one of the key drivers behind Rodney’s incredible successes to date. This along with the continued support provided by those around him, his Maple Support Team, and of course his loved ones.

Rod holding a coffee he made from the Barista course.

Rodney is well on his journey toward his goals of getting that promotion at McDonald’s, and an even greater goal of moving into his own space and gaining independence. Go Rodney, we’re cheering you on all the way!