The NDIS and its impact on culturally and linguistically diverse communities - Maple Services
The NDIS and its impact on culturally and linguistically diverse communities

The NDIS and its impact on culturally and linguistically diverse communities

The NDIS and Cultural and Linguistically Diverse Participants.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was launched in 2013 as a way to provide comprehensive support for individuals with disabilities in Australia. The goal of the NDIS is to give individuals with disabilities the tools and resources they need to achieve their goals, enhance their independence, increase their social participation, and improve their overall quality of life. The NDIS has been instrumental in transforming the disability support system in Australia, providing greater access to services and support for individuals with disabilities, including those from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.

The NDIS provides a person-centreed approach to disability support, meaning that the individual is at the centre of the support system and their needs, goals, and aspirations are taken into consideration. This approach helps to ensure that individuals with disabilities have control over their own lives and are empowered to make their own decisions about the support and services they need. The NDIS also provides a range of services, including information and advocacy, support coordination, therapy, and equipment and assistive technology, among others.

Challenges in accessing the NDIS as a CALD Individual

However, for CALD individuals with disabilities, accessing the NDIS can be a challenge. CALD individuals may face a range of cultural and linguistic barriers that make it difficult for them to understand and access the support and services provided by the NDIS. These barriers can include a lack of understanding of the NDIS and its processes, a lack of culturally appropriate support services, and language barriers that make it difficult for individuals to communicate their needs and access support.

How the NDIS overcomes these challenges.

To address these challenges, the NDIS has implemented a number of initiatives to make its services more accessible to CALD communities. This includes providing translated materials, cultural awareness training for NDIS staff, and culturally appropriate support services. For example, the NDIS has made it a priority to provide language interpreters for individuals who need support communicating in their preferred language. The NDIS has also worked with community organisations and disability support organisations such as Maple Community Services to provide cultural awareness training and improve access to support for CALD individuals with disabilities.


In addition to these initiatives, the NDIS has also made a commitment to improve access to support and services for CALD individuals with disabilities through the development of partnerships with cultural and linguistic organisations. These partnerships have helped to raise awareness about the NDIS and its services and have provided valuable information and support to CALD individuals and their families.

Benefits for CALD Individuals in accessing the NDIS.

One of the key benefits of the NDIS for CALD individuals with disabilities is that it provides access to a range of support and services that are tailored to their specific needs and goals. The NDIS recognizes that every individual with a disability is unique and that their support needs will differ depending on their disability, culture, and language. The NDIS is designed to be flexible and responsive to these individual needs, allowing CALD individuals with disabilities to receive support that is tailored to their specific requirements.

Another important aspect of the NDIS for CALD individuals with disabilities is that it provides greater control and choice over their support. The NDIS allows individuals with disabilities to choose the support and services that best meet their needs, and to select the service providers that they feel will best meet their needs. This is a significant shift from traditional disability support systems, which often took a one-size-fits-all approach to support.

The NDIS also provides greater access to support and services that can help to improve the quality of life for CALD individuals with disabilities. For example, the NDIS provides funding for equipment and assistive technology, therapy, and support coordination, which can help individuals with disabilities to overcome the challenges they face and to achieve their goals. This can include support to participate in activities, education, and employment, among others.

How Maple Community Services is leading the way with CALD Clients.

Cultural and linguistic barriers are a major challenge for CALD individuals with disabilities in accessing NDIS support. Despite efforts by the NDIS to address these barriers, there is a need for ongoing efforts to improve access to support and services for CALD individuals with disabilities. Maple works tirelessly day in and out to ensure ours supports and services are accessible to the who community. This includes the development of culturally and linguistically support networks, having a diverse group of management staff from all walks of life, and ensuring that staff are culturally and linguistically aware and have the necessary skills and training to support CALD individuals with disabilities.