Support and Capacity-Building Funding in NDIS - Maple Services
Navigating the Core Support and Capacity Building Funding in your NDIS plan

Navigating the Core Support and Capacity Building Funding in your NDIS plan

Introduction to the NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a government-funded program in Australia that aims to provide support to individuals with permanent and significant disabilities, including options like group homes for disabled adults. The NDIS was established in 2013 to help improve the quality of life for people with disabilities by providing them with access to funding, support, and services, including NDIS plan management services.

The NDIS provides individuals with a flexible and individualised funding package that allows them to access the support and services they need to achieve their goals and live a fulfilling life. This funding is divided into three main categories: Core Supports, Capital Supports and Capacity Building Funding. For the purposes of this article, we will be focusing Core Supports and Capacity Building Funding. These two types of funding aim to cover different aspects of an individual’s life and can be used in conjunction to provide comprehensive support.

Core Support Funding under the NDIS

Core Support Funding is one of the two main categories of funding available under the NDIS. This funding is intended to cover basic support needs and is designed to help individuals with daily living activities, social participation, and access to the community.

Core Support Funding covers a broad range of support needs, including:

  • Assistance with personal care
  • Assistance with household tasks
  • Assistance with transport and mobility
  • Assistance with social participation
  • Assistance with community participation

Core Support Funding is flexible and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual. This means that the funding can be used for a wide range of support services and can be adjusted as the individual’s needs change over time.

Who can receive Core Supports Funding under the NDIS?

Core Support Funding is an essential aspect of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia. It provides funding to individuals with permanent and significant disabilities to enable them to perform daily living activities and participate in their community. However, not everyone is eligible for this funding.

To be eligible for Core Support Funding under the NDIS, an individual must:

  • meet specific criteria. Firstly, they must have a permanent and significant disability that impacts their ability to perform daily living activities. This could include tasks such as cooking, cleaning, personal care, and mobility. The disability must also have a substantial impact on their ability to participate in community life.
  • be an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or hold a protected Special Category Visa. This requirement ensures that only those who are legally entitled to access services and support in Australia receive funding.
  • be under the age of 65. The NDIS was designed to provide support to individuals with permanent and significant disabilities from birth to age 65. Those over 65 can still access aged care services, which are separate from the NDIS.

To determine an individual’s eligibility for Core Support Funding, an NDIS planner will assess their needs and work with them to develop a support plan. This plan will outline the types of supports and services that the individual requires and the amount of funding that they will receive.

It is important to note that each individual’s circumstances are unique, and their eligibility for Core Support Funding will depend on their specific situation. However, the NDIS aims to provide support to as many eligible individuals as possible to enable them to live their lives to the fullest and participate in their community.

Capacity Building Funding under the NDIS

Capacity Building Funding is the second category of funding available under the NDIS. This funding is designed to help individuals build their skills and improve their ability to live independently and participate in their community.

Capacity Building Funding covers a range of support needs, including:

  • Assistance with education and employment
  • Assistance with developing life skills
  • Assistance with improving health and wellbeing
  • Assistance with building social and community connections

Capacity Building Funding is also flexible and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual. This means that the funding can be used for a wide range of support services and can be adjusted as the individual’s needs change over time.

Who can receive Capacity Building Funding under the NDIS?

Capacity Building Funding is available to people with permanent disabilities or impairments that significantly affect their ability to undertake daily living activities, such as communication, mobility, social interaction, and self-care. The funding is not means-tested, and anyone who meets the eligibility criteria can receive it. This funding is intended to assist the individual to develop their skills, knowledge, and independence in specific areas of their life.

Capacity Building Funding is available to people who have an approved NDIS plan that identifies their support needs in the areas of:

  • Daily living
  • Health and well-being
  • Lifelong learning
  • Work and employment
  • Social and community participation

The NDIS will fund reasonable and necessary supports that are related to a person’s disability and will help them achieve their goals. The funding can be used to access specialist services, such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, psychology, and behaviour support. It can also be used for equipment, home modifications, and other services to improve the individual’s capacity to manage their disability and increase their independence.

How can someone maximise the funding given under Core Supports and Capacity Building Funding by using them collectively?

To maximize the funding given under Core Supports and Capacity Building Funding, it is essential to have a good understanding of the individual’s needs and goals. This understanding can be achieved by working with an NDIS planner or support coordinator who can assist in developing an NDIS plan that meets the individual’s needs.

By combining Core Supports and Capacity Building Funding, the individual can receive a comprehensive range of supports to enhance their capacity to manage their disability and achieve their goals. For example, the Core Supports funding can be used to provide basic daily living assistance, such as personal care and household tasks, while the Capacity Building Funding can be used to access specialist services that will develop the individual’s skills and independence in specific areas.

It is essential to identify the most appropriate service providers who can deliver the required supports effectively and efficiently. The NDIS provides a list of registered service providers that can provide supports under the Core Supports and Capacity Building Funding categories. By selecting service providers who have experience working with people with disabilities and who have a good reputation, the individual can be assured of receiving high-quality services that will help them achieve their goals.

What are the benefits of using NDIS registered providers who have a relationship with each other?

The NDIS recommends using registered providers who have a relationship with each other to deliver supports to the individual. This approach has several benefits, including:

  • Streamlined coordination of supports: When providers have a good relationship with each other, they can work together more efficiently to coordinate their supports. This can reduce the administrative burden on the individual and ensure that supports are delivered seamlessly.
  • Better communication: When providers have a relationship with each other, they can communicate more effectively about the individual’s needs and goals. This can result in more coordinated and effective supports.
  • Better outcomes: When providers work together in a coordinated way, they can deliver more comprehensive and effective supports that lead to better outcomes for the individual.
  • Reduced stress: Working with a team of providers who have a good relationship with each other can reduce the stress and anxiety that can arise when managing a complex disability support plan.

Maple Community Services and Pro Form Physiotherapy

The NDIS provides an opportunity for people with permanent disabilities or impairments to access the supports they need to live more independent and fulfilling lives. The Core Supports and Capacity Building Funding categories provide a range of supports that can be tailored to meet the individual’s needs and goals. By working with Maple Community Services and Pro Form Physiotherapy – two providers within the Core Supports and Capacity Building Funding brackets who have a strong working relationship, individuals can maximize their funding and receive the most comprehensive and effective supports possible.