Marking One Month Milestone Of Jon's Success - Maple Services
Marking One Month Milestone Of Jon’s Success

Marking One Month Milestone Of Jon’s Success


Friday is here so we thought we’ll share a wonderful news with you today! It is about our dearest Client, Jon who’s from Western Sydney. Jon has Asperger syndrome, Albinism, and a poor eyesight. But that hasn’t stopped him from pursuing his love of computers and online gaming. Unfortunately, his love for online gaming led him down a dark path a few months ago when he fell into the trap of online gambling.

Jon had been one of our long-time clients at Maple Community Services and since then, we have been helping him to work through his difficulties and navigate pathways in a right direction. Recently, he has been working hard to overcome his addiction to gambling. And guess what, he has managed to stay away from it for a whole month now!

This is a massive achievement for Jon and his carers, and we are all extremely proud of him. Breaking any addiction is tough, and it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to overcome it. But Jonathan has done it, and that is something to be celebrated today.

Jon’s success is particularly impressive given his poor vision. It must be difficult to navigate the world of online gaming and gambling when you can’t see everything clearly. But he hasn’t let his disability hold him back, and he’s shown that anything is possible with hard work and determination.

Jon’s story shows that we can all overcome our struggles, no matter how tough they may seem. It takes time, patience, and support from those around us, but we can do it. So, let’s all take a page from Jon’s book and work hard to achieve our goals, no matter how big or small they may be. Congrats, Jon, and keep up the great work!