Lyn-nor’s Impact with Maple Scholarship 2023 - Maple Services
Lyn-nor’s Impact with Maple Scholarship 2023

Lyn-nor’s Impact with Maple Scholarship 2023

Lyn-nor Rhenier is a recipient of the Maple Emerging Talent Scholarship and is currently studying for a Diploma in Community Services – Case Management. She has aspirations to complete a Bachelor’s in Human Services in the future.

The Diploma of Community Services is a comprehensive course that encompasses a variety of areas including legal and ethical compliance, effective workplace communication strategies, planning and conducting group activities, co-existing needs assessment, and the development of case management skills. To successfully complete each unit, Lyn-nor is required to undertake various assessments, such as online quizzes, forum posts, written assignments, and workplace tasks. Additionally, the course mandates a minimum of 100 hours in a work placement, which Lyn-nor is fortunate to have the opportunity to complete under the supervision of her current manager.

Lyn-nor’s passion for working in the community is rooted in her personal background, having been raised by her grandmother due to conflicts between her parents. As a child growing up in kinship care, she has firsthand knowledge of the emotions experienced by children in out of home care. This lived experience gives her a unique advantage in understanding and empathising with the trauma and attachment disorders faced by children in the care of the minister. Her ultimate goal is to specialise in Out of Home Care.

Although Lyn-nor had to defer her studies at the University of New England due to financial constraints, she remains enthusiastic about learning and is eager to absorb all the knowledge she can from her current Diploma of Community Services program.

Lyn-nor doesn’t find any major challenges, rather she has go-getter attitude and doesn’t find anything difficult as “difficult” is a mindset that she chooses not to entertain. She believes that challenges test her ability and determination, which are necessary to become a better person and achieve her goals. She loves the phrase 

diamonds are formed under pressure

Image: Lyn-nor is casting her first vote as a Australian Citizen. She is ready to shape the future of her new country!

In completing this course, Lyn-nor hopes to be armed with skills and knowledge to better help vulnerable people in the community. She believes that communication is key, and knowing how to communicate efficiently and effectively is essential in enhancing her practice.

Lyn-nor’s ultimate goal is to complete her Bachelor’s in Human Services, and Charles Stuart University credits the Diploma of Community Services with up to 1.5 years, which is excellent news for her. She already feels like she is living her dream by helping vulnerable people in the community. Her dream is to do her job to the best of her ability and experience positive change due to the decisions and efforts she makes.

Lyn-nor is expected to graduate in July 2024, although the course is self-paced, and she could complete it sooner if she chooses to push herself.

Lyn-nor’s personal experiences and dedication to serving her community make her a valuable asset to the field of social services. By pursuing the Diploma of Community Services – Case Management, she is not only expanding her knowledge and skills but also demonstrating her commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of those in need. With her passion and education, Lyn-nor has the potential to make a significant impact on the lives of vulnerable individuals and families.