Celebrate World Brain Awareness Day with Maple - Maple Services
Celebrate World Brain Awareness Day with Maple

Celebrate World Brain Awareness Day with Maple

Celebrate World Brain Day with the Maple community on July 22nd!

Every year on the 22nd July, organisations and advocates come together to bring awareness to the various neurological conditions that affect more than 1 billion of us across the globe. 

Brain disorders include a wide range of conditions or disabilities that affect our brains. They can be caused by various factors such as illness, infection, developmental issues, genetic abnormalities, traumatic injury or neurodegenerative processes. Brain disorders can impact various aspects of your cognitive, emotional, sensory and motor functions. 

Brain health is essential to our overall well being. Brain disorders cause more disability and mortality than any other disorder across the world, they are also among the most expensive diseases to diagnose and treat. For this reason, the short supply of funding in this area is surprising. Raising awareness of brain disorders means that we can advocate for increased prevention, treatment, and research in this understudied area.

What is World Brain Day?

World Brain Day was started by the World Federation of Neurology and is held annually on July 22nd (WFN). It is recognised as an initiative to raise awareness of brain-related disorders and promote brain health worldwide. 

Each year World Brain Day focuses on a specific theme or issue related to brain health that aims to educate the public, healthcare professionals and policymakers about the importance of access to quality health care as well as strategies for disease prevention and early detection.

Why do we celebrate World Brain Day?

  • Prevention to improve prevention and treatment of brain diseases and disabilities; 
  • Awareness to increase awareness surrounding the causes and effects of brain disorders; 
  • Access to promote universal and quality access to health care, treatment, rehabilitation, and assistive technology for those living with brain disorders; 
  • Education to educate our communities about brain disabilities and foster equality; 
  • Advocate to advocate for good brain health for everyone and reduce stigma and misinformation around brain disabilities;

The psychological impacts of trauma can be deep and complex and can affect us both physically and emotionally. Symptoms of PTSD may include flashbacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety. It may affect the way we see ourselves, others, and the world around us.

Doing your part for World Brain Day 

To celebrate World Brain Day and actively participate in promoting quality brain health for all, there are many things we can do. 

Raise Awareness

We can spread the word about World Brain Day through local events, social media or community gatherings. Even if it’s just by talking about it with colleagues or sharing informative posts, every little helps to raise awareness and educate others about the importance of brain health.

Share your Story

Sharing our personal stories can be a powerful way to reduce stigma and create a better understanding within our communities. Sometimes putting ourselves in vulnerable situations helps to generate the most invaluable support. 

You don’t have to wait until July 22nd to share your story, but this day may be a good opportunity to share in solidarity with others who choose to do the same. If you don’t wish to speak in public, you could reach out to local publications or take advantage of social media platforms to share your experience.

Events and fundraisers

Celebrate and advocate by actively participating in events or fundraisers that support the cause. Find events happening in your area or even consider volunteering for local initiatives. 

Alternatively, you could organise your own event to learn, exchange stories or fundraise for certain organisations that work toward better brain health. When we participate in events, we can actively contribute to the effort, learn more about the cause, meet interesting people and help to make a positive impact. 

Promote Brain Health

Engaging in activities by yourself or with family, friends, colleagues or classmates that promote our overall brain health is a good way to raise awareness among peers. This could include: 

  • Physical exercise Encourage participation in activities like walks, runs or sports events to promote both physical fitness and cognitive wellbeing. 
  • Mental exercise Mental health practices can support neuroplasticity and decrease stress, while also promoting emotional wellbeing and cognitive function.
  • Healthy meals A nutritious diet provides all the necessary vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids that support brain cell growth, repair, and overall brain function.

What is the theme of World Brain Day?

The theme of World Brain Day from previous year was “Brain Health and Disability: Leave No One Behind”.

This year’s theme aims to ignite a worldwide movement to bridge disparities in disability education and awareness while dismantling barriers to healthcare that are faced by people with neurological disabilities. When it comes to brain health and disability, let us ensure that no one is left behind.

Remember, celebrating World Brain Day is not limited to a single day of the year. This celebration should inspire ongoing efforts to prioritise and protect brain health throughout the whole year. Watch out for other opportunities throughout the year with Maple Community Services.