Alternate Dispute Resolution Process Established - Maple Community
Alternate Dispute Resolution Process established to address NDIS appeals results in drastic reduction in the number of cases before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).

Alternate Dispute Resolution Process established to address NDIS appeals results in drastic reduction in the number of cases before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).

Alternate Dispute Resolution Process established to address NDIS appeals results in drastic reduction in the number of cases before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).

The Hon. Bill Shorten MP, Minister for the NDIS, has announced that new data shows the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is now providing faster and fairer access to disability supports. The Australian Government has introduced alternative dispute resolution processes to address NDIS appeals, resulting in a significant decrease in the number of cases before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).

The latest figures show that since June 1st, 2022, 4,401 NDIS cases have been resolved at the AAT, resulting in a 27% decrease in overall caseload to 3,280 since May 2022. Furthermore, 70% of the 4501 legacy cases active in May 2022 have been resolved. Minister Shorten said that these numbers are just the beginning in ensuring that people with disabilities can live their lives without having to go to court to argue over the level of support they receive.

The NDIA has implemented measures such as an early resolution approach, ensuring that the Agency works more closely with participants sooner in the appeal process, which reduces the likelihood of the matter progressing through the AAT. The Agency has also established an Independent Expert Review (IER) trial, where a disability expert independent of the NDIA reviews individual cases and gives a recommendation to the Agency. An Oversight Committee, led by Graeme Innes AM, is monitoring the IER trial.

Minister Shorten said that these measures put participants back at the centre of the NDIS:

“These measures are part of the Government’s approach which puts participants back at the centre of the NDIS, in this instance giving them greater control in the appeal process.”

He emphasised that people with disabilities feeling as though they are being forced to fight for a moderate support package is a waste of taxpayer dollars and goes against why the Scheme was established. Although there is more work to be done, Minister Shorten said that he is confident that the new measures will continue to result in faster and better processes for people living with disabilities.