A Fijian Indian Muslim Employee’s Story in Maple - Maple Services
A Fijian Indian Muslim Employee’s Story in Maple

A Fijian Indian Muslim Employee’s Story in Maple

As a Fijian Indian Muslim, Faheem Khan, an Account Officer at Maple Community Services, comes from a distinct cultural background. His cultural and religious identity is strongly influenced by Indian and Fijian traditions, as well as the Islamic faith, despite the fact that he was born and raised in Australia. Fiji Hindi is the primary language spoken locally, with its own unmistakable varieties. His Islamic upbringing has also taught him Arabic, which is an essential component of his daily prayers. Fijian Indian Muslims, a minority group in Fiji, place a strong emphasis on community, family, and religion in the country’s cultural and religious landscape.

Numerous workplaces are increasingly employing a workforce that is culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD). He discusses his distinctive cultural background as a Fijian Indian Muslim. His culture places a strong emphasis on prayer, which is why Muslims pray five times a day in front of the Ka’aba, Islam’s holiest structure, in Mecca. Faheem discusses the significance of Ramadan, the Islamic calendar’s holiest month, and the role it plays in his religious practice.

Faheem and his family share some cultural customs. For exceptional events, they partake in a Fijian lovo, a customary approach to preparing food in Fiji that includes making an underground stove. This custom is a well-liked component of his culture and cuisine and was handed down from his grandfather. Respecting and comprehending these cultural practices can contribute to the development of a sense of community and an inclusive workplace.

 A more welcoming and inclusive work environment can be created by comprehending and accommodating the requirements of CALD employees during religious practices. He has been able to share his religious and cultural beliefs with his colleagues at Maple. In a similar vein, my colleagues have inquired about my family’s Fijian lovo, a traditional method of cooking food. In addition, being a part of Islamic culture has given me a sense of purpose and belonging. The accentuation on local area and administration has urged me to be a more dynamic individual from my local area and endeavour towards carrying on with a solid way of life.

Joining Maple Community Services has permitted him to work with a different gathering of people, both concerning support workers and representatives in Maple Head office. Maple Community Services has been able to successfully integrate with a variety of communities as a result of this diversity, resulting in improved communication and comprehension between participants and employees alike.

Cultural diversity in the workplace is important because it makes it possible to share new ideas and perspectives. When people from different backgrounds get together, they bring their own unique experiences and points of view, which can help make decisions better and show potential biases and blind spots that might not have been noticed otherwise. Faheem values the community’s cultural diversity because it fosters tolerance and understanding among different groups. Prejudices, assumptions, and stereotypes can be lessened by being exposed to other cultures, ideas, and points of view. People from a variety of backgrounds can learn from one another and form connections from within a diverse community, fostering a sense of belonging.